Monday, August 26, 2013

Welcome to The World of Computers


Datafiles Practical Paper june 2013

Dear Children 
Practice all the past papers again thoroughly and after completing every task you must match it with marks scheme.
During checking your quarterly and mock papers i found your weak areas and several common mistakes. So during practice and practical exam you should follow the instructions given below:

Presentation Software:

  • Only those images or text are inserted on master slide which has to be displayed on every slide.
  • after inserting header, footer, date and slide number click on "Apply to all".
  • Before sending print you must see print preview.
  • To print more than one slide on a page click on "handouts" from "view" and insert header and footer if required. Some times through print window you have to select "print what: handouts" again, and select the number of slides to be printed.
  • Insert only the relevant text and images ( which belong to the given dates and given places or objects)
  • Learn how to add or "print notes" pages with slides.
  • Learn how to insert hyperlinks.
  • Learn few points that how you can make your slide more user friendly. 


  • Read the given instructions carefully.
  • Don't stretch the image unproportionally.
  • Leave proper margin space on word document
  • picture should not be cut during printing.
  •  Learn how to do "clone stamp".
  • check for the spelling mistake, if text is inserted.
  • Learn few points or properties of a good and a bad logo.(you may have to write)

Word Processing
Practice all types of documents you have done in past papers. Specially you do mistakes in posters, webpages and reports.
while creating web page "Home" link should be enabled and contact info must be correct ( take it from question paper) 
Insert only the relevant text and images ( which belong to the given dates and given places or objects)
Take care that logo or pics shouldn't be cut while printing.

  • Formatting is an overlooked skill when it comes to Excel. It is essential for communicating results clearly and powerfully.

Choose the right font
Limit use of different fonts
Center your title
Bold your headers
Vary your font sizes
Align text
Leave some cells empty
Play with grid lines
Use color sparingly: Colors can be used in Excel to highlight key rows or columns, making the spreadsheet more attractive and easier to read. Don't overdo it though, as this can produce the opposite effect.
Keep to dark text on a light background
Try some subtle decoration: Simple background decoration such as an understated dip-dye effect can make your spreadsheet more visually appealing. However, be careful not to insert any decoration that might distract from the data.
Consider zebra stripes: If you're creating a spreadsheet with a lot of columns, it can sometimes be difficult for readers to match up data on the far right of the document with the categories listed on the left. Subtly shading alternate rows helps the eye to follow information across the page.

  • Practice Absolute and relative cell referencing
  • Practice sorting on several columns
  • practice renaming worksheets
  • Practice cell reference between multiple worksheets
  • On graph practice how to add chart title, Axis titles with units, Data labels, Legends.
  • Practice how you can copy a query result from access to excel and insert a graph on it.
  • Practice how you can import a query result from access to excel and insert a graph on it.

  • Learn how to create "one to one" and "one to many" relationship, specially which fields should be connected (after considering primary and foreign keys)your book page 130,131.
  • Sorting data on multiple fields.
  • Select query with single or multiple criteria.
  • Update query, Use of expression builder in update query (your book page 133,134).
  • Creating a calculated field and try addition, subtraction, product (your book page 134).
  • Including totals in a query(your book page 134)to find out total profit( through sum) or average cost or maximum price or minimum profit or total number of green cars ( through count).
  • while creating report insert relevant report title ( complete heading according to the purpose of the report) and customized column headings not like fname or lname.
  • width of columns should be enough to display the data. 
  • insert relevant report header, page header, report footer and page footer.
  • Logo should also be inserted to make it fit to the purpose.
  • 10 tips for using wildcard characters in Microsoft Access criteria expressions    A wildcard is a special character that can represent one or more characters in a text value. You can use wildcards to find many records with similar, but not exactly the same, information. You can also use them to look for a specific record when you can't remember enough information to retrieve just that one record.

    The ability to find and retrieve data easily is great, but use wildcards cautiously. If you use the wrong character, a query will almost certainly return erroneous data. If you're not lucky enough to catch the mistake visually, the erroneous data could go undetected for a long time--long enough to corrupt your data or even your entire application.

    # 1: Match characters in a specific position

    The most flexible wildcard character is the asterisk (*). It matches any character or any block of characters in a specific position. For instance, the following statement would return any entry that contains the string access without regard to letter case:
    Like "*Access*"
    So it would return the following entries: Microsoft AccessAccess 97, and accessing.
    Drop the first * character to match entries that begin with the string access:
    Like "Access*"
    This statement would return Access 97 and accessing but not Microsoft Access. Similarly, the following statement would return Microsoft Access but not Access 97 or accessing:
    Like "*Access"

    # 2: Spaces matter in a * match

    When using the * character to match characters in a specific position, pay close attention to space characters. If the search string includes a space character between the literal characters and the * character, Access will return only those entries that include a space character in that position. For instance, the following statement matches Microsoft Access but not Access 97 oraccessing:
    Like "* Access"
    You might not expect that search string to return Access 97, but the absence of the wordaccessing might be a surprise. Access won't return accessing because the entry doesn't have a space character before the access block. Similarly, the following statement matches Access 97 but not Microsoft Access or the single word entry, accessing:
    Like "Access *"

    # 3: Match just one character in a specific position

    The question mark character (?) serves as a single-character placeholder. You can combine this wildcard to specify a certain number of characters. For instance, the following statement would match Smith and Smyth but not the word smooth (without regard to letter case):
    Like "Sm?th"
    You can combine ? characters to cast a wider net or to focus the search, depending on the circumstances. For example, the following criteria would find Smithsmilesmite, and smirk:
    Like "Smi??"
    It would not find smirch or smitten. That's because each ? character represents only one character. Although both smirch and smitten match the literal characters in the expression (smi), both words have more than two characters following those literal characters. To catch all entries that begin with smi without regard to the number of characters, use the * character (# 1).

    # 4: Use ? to match symbol characters

    Although the English language doesn't use special characters, like è and ü, it's common to store values that contain such characters. They pose a unique problem in a search, because you must use the special character and not just the English counterpart. You might find it easier to use the ? placeholder in these cases. For instance, if you want to find the record for Comèrcio Mineiro, you could take the time to insert the é character, but doing so requires extra keystrokes. Instead, use the ? wildcard to represent the special character, as follows:
    Like "Com?rcio *"
    This search expression might match a few other entries, but in most cases, it won't, because it's such a narrow search. In this example, you must also include the * or the literal string to match the desired entry because it contains more than one word. If you omitted the *, Access would match an entry that contained only the text Com?rcio.

    # 5: Use [ ] to match literal wildcard characters

    Sometimes, you'll want to include a wildcard character as part of a literal search string. For instance, you might use the * character to denote a special note or comment in a memo or text field. In that case, you must tell Access to evaluate the * character as a literal character rather than a wildcard by enclosing the wildcard in brackets as follows
    Like "[*]*"
    If you use Like "*", Access will return every entry in the data source. (It isn't necessary to enclose the ! or ] wildcard characters in brackets.)

    # 6: Match characters in a list

    It's possible to match more than one specific character at a time using a list. To match any single character in a list, separate each item in the list with a comma and enclose the list of characters in brackets. For instance, the following search string will find any entry that begins with a or z:
    Like "[a, z]*"
    If the list is a set of consecutive values, use the hyphen to separate the first and last characters in the sequence. The following expression matches all entries that begin with the letters abc,d, or e:
    Like "[a-e]*"
    The bracket wildcards are flexible enough to handle multiple lists as follows:
    Like "[a-e, k, p-s]*"
    The above expression matches all entries that begin with the following letters: abcdekp,qr, or s.
    You can also use the bracket wildcards to denote characters in the middle of a string. For instance, the following expression matches entries that begin with the letter a and have the letters b or f as the second character:
    Like "a[b, f]*"

    # 7: Exclude characters

    Most of the wildcard characters match characters. The exclamation point character (!) is different. Use ! to exclude matching characters from a query's results. For instance, the following expression would return all entries that do not begin with the letter a:
    Like "[!a]*"
    Notice that the expression includes the bracket wildcards. The ! character works with the brackets. In truth, you can exclude matches only from a list. However, the list can contain just a single character. Expand the list possibilities by applying the same techniques discussed in # 6.


Following link can be very helpful for you, it contains lots of information just according to your specification. you must read all the pages from LO1 to LO32 before final exams.

There is another link which can also be helpful for you.

Computers are everywhere: at work, at school, and at home. people use all types and sizes of computers for a variety of reasons and in a range of places. While some computers sit on top of a desk or on the floor, mobile computers and mobile devices are small enough to carry. Mobile devices, such as many cell phones, often are classified as computers.

 This blog is created to help you in learning ICT for your O-Levels Exam. Soon this will contain past papers, Presentations on all the topics of your book, and a huge collection of FAQs and MCQs which will help you to understand the topic well.


All of the students of Beacon Light Academy are invited to send their suggestions, presentations, queries and Latest Information on my E-mail address, which is

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